My Beautiful Impact

My Beautiful Impact

Some things are meant to be. 

Impact. That word gave me a new a new purpose in my life. 

I lost my face, literally, in an auto accident when I was 17. 

The sudden impact bonded my face to the steering wheel.  

Losing my facial identity a year before high school graduation redefined what looking and feeling good about myself meant. 

It took nearly three years of reconstructive surgery to make my face as whole as it once was. To say I was and am grateful to be alive is a huge understatement. 

But, I am as equally grateful for the amazing surgeons, nurses, and medical staff who took such good care of me and performed their jobs with compassion, care, and excellence. 

The impact of their dedication to save my life and restore my face is a daily reminder in the reflection I see in the mirror. 

I still have visible scars today that people rarely notice. On certain days I can still feel the impact of that moment, but my gratitude for being alive enables me to embrace my altered face. 

You may be wondering, what does this have to do with lash extensions?

Several years ago, I had the good fortune to lash a friend who had gone through months of chemotherapy. One afternoon she asked if I could lash her. I was surprised, honored, and nervous that she even asked me. 

At the time I did not know if that was something I could do well and safely. 

Three and half hours later, my friend stood up, looked in the mirror and cried. Then ofcourse, I cried. Together we were a weeping mess. She had not seen the ocean blue and youthfulness of her eyes for over a year. She had almost forgotten what it was like to see herself as beautiful as she was. Most people may think that 70 something is too old to care about how one should look, but that is not the case. 

Months of chemotherapy and radiation caused her to lose her hair, lashes, and brows. Regrowth of her lashes appeared months after chemotherapy, but her lashes appeared almost non-existent in the best of lighting. 

Seeing my friend cry with such happiness, a sense of hope, and feeling beautiful again had a profound impact on me.

I knew then that my mission would be to offer FREE lash extensions to cancer patients. 

So many of my clients also give back to their communities. They make my job and profession so rewarding. I meet and am inspired by accomplished, generous, and awesome women each day.

I believe in the goodness and generosity of people. If you look for the best in people, you will find it. 

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